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Goddard Farm Sphinx

Sphinx is a wide and powerful doe. She is the boss of the entire herd, and even attempts to be the boss of the humans on occasion. Sphinx knows how to throw her weight around, and likes to nip at the ears of her herd mates if they are in her way. She's a messy eater, who loves to let grain fall from the corners of her mouth, as she usually fills it too full to manage...unless of course she's feeling picky that day and refusing to eat at all because she thinks the other does got a better mix than she did. Sphinx's favorite person is Alex, and she makes sure to get "all" the scratches her offers and even some he doesn't.


We love Sphinx's width and body capacity. She scored a 42/50 in body depth during our 2022 linear appraisal, the highest in our herd. She's a very stocky girl, but on short little legs. As a results, her conformation yields some soreness on her front legs towards the end of pregnancy, but she bounces back quickly after kidding. We hope to 


Sphinx's udder is very round and needs improvement in strength of medial. She is easy to milk, as long as you only milk from her left side (remember, she's opinionated). Despite our efforts, we cannot train her to stand such that we can milk easily from her right side. Sphinx's udder does have some "meat" to it, and never looks completely empty; she also lacks a strong let-down, so plenty of massaging is required to get her completely empty. The texture is smooth, and her orifices are large.

DHI Records

Sphinx earned her milk star, making her a 5*M, during her first lactation with her previous owner. She had amazing production and that's what made us notice her when Ashley offered her for sale. Click here for her CDCB Page to see additional data.

2018: 2-00 y/o 309 DIM

Milk 2990 - ButterFat 132 - Protein 115

2020: 4-00 y/o 242 DIM

Milk 2470 - ButterFat 107 - Protein 94

2022: 6-03 y/o Lactation in Progress- reported as of 151 DIM

Milk 1160 - ButterFat 43 - Protein 39

2021: 5-06 y/o 205 DIM

Milk 1252 - ButterFat 58 - Protein 49

Relevant Photographs


Sphinx- January 2021

Sphinx displays wonderful width throughout her frame, but her brisket width and brisket extension are excellent. We also appreciate the breed character shown in her facial profile.

Udder- rear- 12 hr fill, November 2021

63 DIM, 4th Freshening

Her udder could use a stronger medial and rear attachment. We like her width, but hope to improve the arch and height in her progeny.


Udder- side- 12 hr fill, November 2021

63 DIM, 4th Freshening

Her foreudder blends well into her abdomen, but we'd like to have it extend a little further forward to better achieve the rule of thirds. 

Linear Appraisal Data

Goddard Farm Sphinx Appraisal History

Appraisal History shown above taken from and is the product of a cooperative effort between the ADGACDCB and Gene Dershewitz as a public service to the dairy goat world.

Kidding Journal @ Bluestem Acres

2021- We bought Sphinx confirmed bred to Camelot Cattle Co Cerberus. Unfortunately, she slipped the pregnancy soon after we transported her here. Thankfully, we caught a spring heat and Sphinx was bred to Zao Hot Fudge for late August '21 kids. She kidded easily with buck/doe twins. The doeling, "Stella," was retained and the buckling was sold to a homestead in Arkansas to be a herdsire. We are confident that both of these offspring will be high performers. We let Sphinx dam raise her kids and we milk shared, and attempted to have her on milk test. The relationship was "ideal" for ease/amount of work, but it did not allow Sphinx to have a lactation that showed her full production potential. Sphinx also did not appreciate milking in the winter and dried up quickly once temperatures turned cold.


2022- Sphinx was be bred in December to Robinett's-Caprines Amadeus for late May '22 kids. The pairing produced triplets- two bucks and a doeling, on June 1st. The first kid out, a buck was a very colorful little dude, albeit a bit small. He thrived outside of the womb though and he is now working in a friend's herd in Fredonia, KS. We will get him (Kansas Bluestem Pistol Pete) back in a few years as part of our buck trade-in program, and might allow him to breed a few does before moving him onward. The second kid, a beautiful solid brown girl without any white on her, is our Persephone. She's full of her mother's spunky personality. Her conformation is a perfect blend of her dam's strength and her sire's dairyness and we can't wait to see her udder. The third kid, the second buckling, was ginormous; his birth was a bit traumatic, but he's fine and working as a herdsire for new breeders near Independence, KS (Kansas Bluestem Titus). Sphinx had trouble delivering Titus and his head went in/out a few times before she was able to push him clear and I had a good opportunity to assist. As a result of the struggle, Sphinx picked up some bacteria and developed a uterine infection. We didn't treat at birth, since I didn't actually go in to assist delivery, and it was several days before Sphinx's symptoms convinced us her lack of appetite was more than normal post-kidding lethargy. The infection progressed and she also developed a bad case of mastitis. At one point, we weren't sure if Sphinx would turn the corner back towards us, but after about 10 days she did and is now healthy again. The rough start to the lactation caused a severe drop in body condition and overall "exuberance" for life, which was still evident at our Linear Appraisal session. We believe this had an affect on her score. Lesson learned and we will be extremly watchful for signs of infection after future kiddings! Her lactation is going wonderfully, although lopsided, and she peaked at about a gallon a day, with only one working half.

Notable Ancestors

Dam: Goddard Farm Isabella, 2018 ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader-- 3rd place Milk Volume, 5th place Protein Volume

Dam's Dam: Goddard Farm Raspberry, 2009 & 2010 ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader, 6th Place in all three categories

Dam's Dam's Dam: Goddard Farm Bambi, 2009 ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader, 7th Place in Milk Volume

Sire: Prairie Acres Denali, son of 2013 ADGA #1 Nubian Top Ten Breed Leader in Milk Volume and sire of 2015 & 2016 ADGA Nubian Top Ten Breed Leader and 2- 2018 ADGA Top Ten Breed Leaders

Sire's Dam: Nickel's ES Annie, 2013 ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader, 1st Place in Milk Volume, 3rd place in Protein Volume

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