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Nubian Does 

Does in our herd are posted here in order of age. We attempt to create an individual doe page for each doe after they complete a lactation with us. If no individual page is created yet for that doe, contact us for udder pictures, etc.

Click on a doe's name to bring up an individual doe page with additional pictures of udder, DHI milk record information, and notable ancestry. Use the link on their ADGA registration number to view their pedigree on, provided courtesy of Gene Dershewitz.

DNA on file- no

Alpha-s1 Casein: unknown

G-6-S Deficiency Status: Normal by Parentage

Sphinx will be bred to Cream O' the Crop P-NutBrittle for May 2023 kids. Reservations are open on all doe and buck kids. See our Breeding Plans for information on making a reservation.

Goddard Farm Sphinx, ADGA #N001771624

5*M (AR 2018)

March 3, 2016


LA 2018: 02-05 VVEV 86

LA 2019: 03-03 V+V+ 86

LA 2022: 06-03 G+V+ 80


Sphinx is a wide and powerful doe bred by the Goddards and owned for most of her life by Ashley Kennedy, of Still Meadow Nubians. We were blessed to purchase her in winter of 2020. She's a heavy milk producer, making almost 3000 lbs in her first lactation, and producing about 8lbs per day on her current lactation despite having only one working half. Her dam line and sire line both include top ten and Elite animals. Sphinx will add lots of milk and lots of width to our herd.


Progeny in our Herd: Persephone


DNA on file- ADG26114

Alpha-s1 Casein: A/A

G-6-S Deficiency Status: N/N

Mimi will be bred to Cream O' the Crop P-NutBrittle for early 2023 kids. All kids will be available. Bucklings not reserved prior to birth will be sold as grade.

Rocking Goat Farms Mimi, ADGA #N001925397

1*M (AR 2021)

February 18, 2017


LA 2022: 05-05 VVVV 87


Mimi is a tall and level doe with wonderful milk production. Her mammary is well attached at the top and sides, but could use additional work on the fore. We hope to improve her attachment and continue to bump up production with the crosses we have planned for her.


Progeny in our Herd: Clover, Marilyn


DNA on file- yes

Alpha-s1 Casein: B/N

G-6-S Deficiency Status: N/N

Fantasy was purchased bred for 2022 kids. Sire of the offspring is either Queenacres Keanu Kulani (ADGA #N1784310) or Over the Moon Ty Armani (ADGA #pending). She kidded February 21, 2022 with two cute doelings. Unfortunately, one presented with a severe parrot mouth and we lost it shortly after birth. The second, a gorgeous blue roan, is thriving and now resides with the Boss Ranch in southeast Kansas- Over the Moon KUL Fancy Fern. DNA confirmed that the offspring was sired by Kulani.


Fantasy has been bred to Cream O' the Crop P-NutBrittle for early January 2023 kids. All doelings will be retained until Alpha S1 Casein testing in completed. Bucklings not reserved before birth will be sold as grade.

Over the Moon KUL Fantasy, ADGA #N2006656

November 18, 2017


LA 2022: 04-08 VVEV 87


Fantasy is a wide and healthy doe bred by Ashley of Over the Moon Nubian Dairy Goats.  Ashley states that she is an incredibly easy keeper and has always outproduced herself in her offspring. Her dam line and sire line both go back to Goldthwaite genetics. Fantasy shows a nice, wide udder with a beautiful arch. Her rear legs are set nicely with good angles, and we appreciate the dairy quality and texture of her udder.


Progeny in our Herd: none


DNA on file- ADG26116

Alpha-s1 Casein: A/B

G-6-S Deficiency Status: N/G (carrier)

We decided to repeat the 2022 breeding for Karma and we hope they'll arrive in early 2023. We expect that he'll improve her rear udder arch and rear leg angles. It helps that P-Nut also throws flashy kids. Karma is a G6S carrier and we hope to get a G6S Normal kid this year. Kids are expected in early January; all doe kids will be retained until G6S status is determined. Buck kids offered only by special request, and only if they test G6S normal.


Sweet-B's Karma, ADGA #N001943709

1*M (AR 2021)

April 27, 2018


LA 2022: 04-03 VVVV 86


Karma is maternal sister to Fudge, our senior herdsire. She brings the sweet personality and excellent milking of their dam's genetics further into our herd, and adds on a wonderful sire-side pedigree. Karma is granddaughter to SGCH ++*B Wingwood Farm Finding Atlantis (EX 91 VEE), who has some amazing progeny working in other herds. His descendants carry the upright, modern Nubian style we love. Karma's pedigree is packed with plenty of 91 appraisal scores, and we hope to see that carried into her offspring. Karma milks very easily with wonderfully placed teats, of great length and large orifices. She's eager to milk and doesn't hold any back when on the milk stand. We hope to improve on her rump width and angle with our breedings, without sacrificing her amazing teats.


Progeny in our Herd: none

Photo Credit: Over the Moon Nubian Dairy Goats

DNA on file- yes

Alpha-s1 Casein: A/B

G-6-S Deficiency Status: N/N

Astrid was purchased bred spring 2022 kids. Sire of the offspring is either Queenacres Keanu Kulani (ADGA #M1784310) or Over the Moon Ty Armani (ADGA #pending). She kidded February 24, 2002 with buck/doe twins sired by Queenacres Keanu Kulani. Both kids retained- Over the Moon KUL Agerasia (Agatha) & Over the Moon KUL Apollo.


Astrid was bred to Zao Hot Fudge for early 2023 kids. Fudge is a G6S carrier and we hope to get a G6S Normal doe kids from this cross. Kids are expected in early January; all doe kids will be retained until G6S status is determined. Buck kids offered only by special request, and only if they test G6S normal.

Over the Moon Lovin Astrid, ADGA #N2066466

December 31, 2019


LA 2022: 02-07 V+V+ 85


In Janury of 2022, we seized the opportunity to purcahse Astrid from Over the Moon Nubian Dairy Goats in southern Texas. Astrid is a SG My-Enchanted-Acres LM Candyman granddaughter on her dam side, and a SGCH +*B Lucky Amadeus granddaughter on her sire side. We could not pass up the opportunity to bring those genetics into our herd. Astrid is a small doe at 2 years old, but she still has some growing left to do. She likely will not mature to be of great height, as her dam and sire are not tall, but we expect wonderful length and width of body, with nice dairy quality. Her dam, SG Wingwood Farm Sweet Anise, boasts a large udder with great capacity, beautiful arch and nice medial. Astrid freshened as a yearling with a single buckling in her previous herd, and milked wonderfully with a nice FF udder.


Progeny in our Herd: Apollo & Agatha


Redwood Hills Atlas Memory, #N002172823

February 25, 2020


Memory is a gorgeous black roan doe who started life with the Redwood Hills herd in California. She came to us by way of Arkansas after spending a little over a year at Hosman Farms. Memory comes from a long line of beautiful does and her sire does as well. We're very excited about having her in Kansas.


Progeny in our Herd: none

DNA on file- no

Alpha-s1 Casein: unknown

G-6-S Deficiency Status: unknown

Memory was bred by Tamris Farm DW It's Maui Time at Hosman Farms in August of 2022. She is due in mid-January. All doe kids and first buck kid will be retained. Second buckling reservation is open.

Kansas Bluestem Ethel, ADGA #N002078818

March 1, 2020


LA 2022: 02-04 +VV+ 82


Ethel is out of Lilly, sired by Fudge. She's a big girl who looks like she will outgrow her dam in height and width. Her rear udder is high and strong, and she peaked with 7.4lbs production (3% Protein, 4.6% BF) as a yearling milker. Ethel met the * requirements in all three categories after just 257 days in milk. Ethel's FF udder teat placement could use some improvement and we hope that future lactations makes them a little more plumb. She has excellent orifice size, and will leak milk from her heavy let-downs if I don't begin milking soon enough after washing her udder.


Progeny in our Herd: none


DNA on file- ADG28336

Alpha-s1 Casein: B/N

G-6-S Deficiency Status: N/G (carrier)

Ethel was bred to Cream O' the Crop P-NutBrittle for spring 2021 kids. She kidded a single buckling three days early, all alone, and in the rain. Despite our best monitoring efforts, some of these does still manage to sneak one out on us! Her buckling was sold as a new herdsire for a 4-H family here in Kansas, registered as Kansas Bluestem Reese's Pieces, and we might bring him back to breed a few does once he's grown up. We love Ethel's first freshening udder and she should earn her AR* during this lactation as well. We're excited to see what a few more year's growth adds to Ethel.


Ethel's 2022 kids were sired by Amadeus. She earned her AR-milk star in all three categories as a yearling first freshener during her 2021 lactation (01-01 257 DIM, 1526lbs, 83lbs BF, 50lbs P). We're excited to see what Amadeus can add to her conformation and teat placement. She had three doe kids! Kansas Bluestem Calypso went on to be a great foundation doe for a new goat owner. Kansas Bluestem Elektra and Kansas Bluestem Evangeline are currently retained. Ethel's second freshening udder is excellent. She's added capacity and her teats are much nicer. I do wish she had more width to hold the udder better, because her capacity exceeds her frame.


Ethel was bred to Over the Moon KUL Apollo for late-April kids. Ethel is a G6S is a carrier. All doe kids are available. Buck kids offered only by special request, and only if they test G6S normal.


Hawkeye Farm Mamas Hungry Eyes, ADGA #N002229450

March 10, 2021


Hungry came to us from Jamy Randol in Iowa. Hungry is a sweet doe, who loves people and attention. Her dam, Mama Tried, has a beautiful udder and showing great promise in production. We intend for Hungry to be the start of Kathryn's 4-H herd, and she'll be shown in the Butler County Fair in the summer of 2023. Hungry is extremely stylish with beautiful extension of neck and overall smoothness of blending. I love Hungry’s style and I’m excited to see how it blends with our genetics.


Progeny in our Herd: none

DNA on file- no

Alpha-s1 Casein: unknown

G-6-S Deficiency Status: N/N (by parentage)

Hungry wAasbred to our junior buck Zao Playin’ Stubborn Just4U for late-March 2023 kids. First doeling will be retained; if you are interested in reserving second doeling please contact us. Bucklings will only be offered after evaluation of udder and production.

DNA on file- no

Alpha-s1 Casein: unknown

G-6-S Deficiency Status: Normal by Parentage


Rocking Goat Farms LuckyClover, ADGA #N2192364

March 17, 2021


LA 2022: 01-04 ++G+ 81


Clover was the runt of a triplet litter out of Mimi by Cozy Meadow Royal N Ice (bred by Deb Boller, of Reece, KS), born on St. Patrick's Day. She won the kids' hearts though, with her quirky spots and personality. She has grown nicely and shows more of her dam's beautiful conformation, daily. We hope that she brings the heavy milk production genetics of her sire into our barn when she freshens.


Progeny in our Herd:

Clover was bred to Robinett's-Caprines Amadeus for late May '22 kids. She kidded easily, two days early with a large single doe. Unfortunately the doeling had some health issues and passed away unexpectedly; necropsy unveiled internal abnormalities in her organs. We will not be repeating this cross in the future. However, Clover freshened beautifully with wonderful capacity and attachment. She's a joy to milk and loves being on the stand. We're so excited to watch this doe mature. She's on track to earn her milk star in all three categories on this first lactation.


Clover will be AI'd to Truly Ranch Magic's Morse Code for Spring 2023. Morse Code is a cross between the two "great" Goldthwaite lines, the Bonny line and Talapoosa. Clover's first doeling will be retained. Second doeling and all bucklings are available for reservations.


Redwood Hills Event Mardi Gras, ADGA #N002200594

September 22, 2021


Evie came to us from Evan Hosman in Arkansas, but was bred at the Redwood Hills - Capracopia in California. She's a bit small for her age, but is a very correct doe. Evie is very sweet and we don't mind waiting on her to grow a little before breeding. Evie goes back to Kastdemur's Mardi Gras, a doe who is a beautiful style and one we hope to achieve in our breedings. 


Progeny in our Herd: none

DNA on file- no

Alpha-s1 Casein: unknown

G-6-S Deficiency Status: unknown

Evie will be bred to Robinett's-Caprines Amadeus for her first freshening. We think the Kastdemur's style in both their pedigrees will compliment each other well. It is undecided at this point when Evie will be bred or whether we will retain kids from this cross.


DNA on file- ADG 27437

Alpha-s1 Casein: A/B (parentage)

G-6-S Deficiency Status: N/N (Normal)


Kansas Bluestem Marilyn Monroe, ADGA #N2224308

February 10, 2022


Marylin was the smallest of the quad litter out of Mimi in February of 2022. She grew quickly though and we chose to retain her over her twin sister (Kansas Bluestem Hot Momma Mia) due to her G6S Normal Status. We absolutely love Mimi, and are very excited to see Marilyn grow up in our herd. She does have a twisted ear on the left side, but as a performance and non-show herd, this does not concern us.


Progeny in our Herd:

Marilyn will be bred to Over the Moon KUL Apollo for Spring 2023 kids. First doeling will be retained until evaluation of Marilyn's udder and production can be conducted. Bucklings are available as grade, until we evaluate production and udder traits.


DNA on file- ADG28054

Alpha-s1 Casein: A/B

G-6-S Deficiency Status: N/N (by parentage)

Agatha will be bred to Cream O' The Crop P-NutBrittle for Spring 2023 kids. All doe kids are available for reservation. Bucklings will be sold as grade, unless a special request is made.


Over the Moon KUL Agerasia, ADGA #N002237089

February 24, 2022​


"Agatha" is out of Astrid, sired by Kulani (owned by Ashley Shimek). We love Astrid's pedigree for milk production, and it looks like Kulani added the strength and width we desire in a true "dual-purpose" goat. We're looking forward to watching Agatha mature in our herd.


Progeny in our Herd:


DNA on file- 

Alpha-s1 Casein: 

G-6-S Deficiency Status: (Normal by parentage)


Camelot Cattle Co Jasmine, ADGA #N002224929

March 16, 2022


Jasmine is one of our girls from Camelot Cattle Company. Jasmine's maternal grandsire, Dante, is son to Mischief, multiple time Top Ten doe in all three categories, who has been named Elite has earned her SG status. Jasmine's sire, Abraxan, son of Wingwood Farm Finding Atlantis (FS91 (VEE )) and Wingwood Farm Lucky Altima (FS93 (EEEE)), appraised high as a yearling buck and has plenty of milky genetics behind him as well. We are excited to have the strong pedigree in our herd and are looking forward to blending Jasmine's lines withur bucks.


As an intermediate kid, Jasmine is all legs and lacks frame strength. She has nice dairyness and a beautiful head and neck and we expect her to fill out as she matures. 


Progeny in our Herd:

Jasmine will be bred for May 2023 kids to Robinett's-Caprines Amadeus. All kids will be available. Bucklings will not be available with registration until we see how Jasmine freshens. 


DNA on file- no

Alpha-s1 Casein: unknown

G-6-S Deficiency Status: (Normal by parentage)

Cinder will be bred to Over the Moon KUL Apollo for late-April 2023 kids. First doeling will be retained until we evaluate Cinder as a first freshener. Bucklings will not be available with registration until we see how Cinder freshens.


Camelot Cattle Co Cinder, ADGA #N002224475

March 18, 2022​


Cinder is paternal-niece to SG Camelot Cattle Co Mischief 4*M and maternal granddaughter Camelot Cattle Co Fawkes 2*M. Both of those Camelot does made the 2021 Nubian Top Ten list in multiple categories for 2021. Cinder is an easy keeper, and while not the tallest intermediate doe, her small frame is solidly built. She is not lacking weight, even though she appears more petite than her contemporaries. We love her neck and shoulder assembly and high escutcheon.


Progeny in our Herd:


DNA on file- no

Alpha-s1 Casein: unknown

G-6-S Deficiency Status: (Normal by parentage)


Camelot Cattle Co Mandisa, ADGA #N002224929

March 19, 2022


Mandisa is maternal granddaughter to SG Camelot Cattle Co Mischief 4*M. She is sired by, Sweet Spring Calvin Klein, who is a son of Kastdemur's Time in a Bottle. We think she will be an excellent doe as she freshens, with the Time in a Bottle body style, and (hopefully) the milking genetics of her granddam. Mandisa's dam, Camelot Cattle Co Mystique, appraised at a VG89 as a first freshener (the highest possible for a FF), and has already put well over 2700lbs in the bucket on her first lactation in just 222 days. Mandisa is a very easy keeper who continues to sneak milk from the lambar bucket, even though she was "weaned" at six months old. To keep Mandisa from getting too fluffy, shoe will be bred to kid at fourteen months old.,


Progeny in our Herd:

Mandisa will be bred to Zao Playin Stubborn Just4U for May 2023. All kids will be available. Bucklings will not be available as herdsires until we see how Mandisa freshens. 


DNA on file- no

Alpha-s1 Casein: unknown

G-6-S Deficiency Status: (N/N by parentage)

Persephone will be bred to Zao Playing Stubborn Just4U for June 2023 kids. All kids will be available. Bucklings not reserved will be sold as grade.


Kansas Bluestem Persephone, ADGA #N002250166

June 1, 2022​


Persephone is daughter of Sphinx and Amadeus. She is already showing to be the best of both in conformation. Amadeus was purchased specifically with her dam, Sphinx, in mind. We love Sphinx's body capacity and width, but desired more leg and a stronger topline. Amadeus seems to have delivered those traits and she kept Sphinx's width, as she is over 90 pounds at just six months old and is also one of the tallest kids from our Spring 2022 crop.


Progeny in our Herd:

DNA on file- yes

Alpha-s1 Casein: B/N

G-6-S Deficiency Status: N/N (by test)


Kansas Bluestem Evangeline, ADGA #N002250168

June 9, 2022


Evangeline is one of Ethel's 2022 triplet does, sired by Amadeus. She is the only one who inherited the "N" AS1C allele, and she is also G6S normal. Ethel is a wonderful milker and we are very very excited about having a daughter in the herd as well. Amadeus appears to have added great dairyness to her conformation, and we're hoping he has made some improvements in teat shape and placement as well.


Progeny in our Herd:

Evangeline will be bred to Cream O' the Crop P-NutBrittle for June 2023 kids. All kids will be available. Bucklings not reserved will be sold as grade. This cross has the potential to produce an Alpha S1 Casein N/N Nubian. For those with milk protein allergies, the milk from these offspring could be considered allergen-friendly.

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