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Information on available mature and/or weaned animals is below. Discount $50/head if purchasing more than one animal at a time (discount does not apply to animals not listed on this page). Please see our Breeding Plans page to reserve a kid and/or see available bottle kids from this year's crop. You may also contact us to be notified of future availability of weaned or mature animals.


Over the Moon Lovin Astrid

DNA on file- yes

Alpha-s1 Casein: A/B

G-6-S Deficiency Status: N/N

ADGA #N2066466

Date of Birth: December 31, 2019


LA 2022: 02-07 V+V+ 85


Astrid is a SG My-Enchanted-Acres LM Candyman granddaughter on her dam side, and a SGCH +*B Lucky Amadeus granddaughter on her sire side. Astrid is maturing well and she still has some growing left to do. She likely will not mature to be of great height, as her dam and sire are not tall, but we expect wonderful length and width of body, with nice dairy quality. Her dam, SG Wingwood Farm Sweet Anise, boasts a large udder with great capacity, beautiful arch and nice medial. Astrid freshened as a yearling with a single buckling in her previous herd, and milked wonderfully with a nice FF udder. She gave us buck/doe twins in February 2022, both of which we retained, but unfortunately suffered from mastitis in May, causing 1/2 of her udder to stop producing. Even with only 1/2 an udder functioning, she still gives plenty of milk to be a homestead milker, and we expect the "non-functioning" half will pick up production again for her next freshening.


Astrid is available as a bred doe. Confirmed bred to Zao Hot Fudge by both blood test and ultrasound (showed twins) and planned due date it January 10, 2023.


2F, 2yr Old

May 2022, pre-mastitis

2F, 2yr Old

Oct 2022, post-mastitis


Zao Hot Fudge


Fudge, MaY 2021- 2 YR OLD

DNA on file- ADG25730

Alpha-s1 Casein B/B

G6 Sulfatase Deficiency Status N/G (carrier)

Tests as CAE+ but is asymptomatic

ADGA #N002011581

3 yr old buck

S: *B Cozy Creek Golden Crome

SS: SG ++B Woest-Hoeve Washington Crome

04-02 86 +VE

SD: SG 1*M Jowanda's Golden Moment

02-01 89 VEVE

D: Sweet-B's Dawnflower

02-04 86 VVVV

DS: ++*B Kastdemur's Extraordinaire

01-02 85 VVV

DD: 9*M Goldthwaite Antonette

Fudge is our senior herdsire. He was bred and bottle raised by Jennifer Wilson of Zao Life Farms. He has grown very quickly and shows great width and front end conformation. His first daughter, Ethel, earned her AR* on her yearling lactation. We have also retained 2 additional daughters, and feel that Fudge's genetics can't improve our herd further.


He is a beast during rut. Requires tall and strong fencing and he will challenge it. He breeds quickly and has great virility- always settling does on the first date.


Fudge does test CAE+. We have still used him for breeding, in surpervised pen settings (not a free-range pasture approach) and have not had any cross-spread to our doe her of his status. We test our does regularly. It is our belief that when used in a pen setting, he does not pose a threat of spreading CAE. However, we know that CAE is not something to take lightly, so he is priced accordingly for his status.


Message us for more information. Priced at $250.

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